Our Business Process Transformation Services
We help accelerate customer experience, operational efficiency and business processes through technology, people, data, insights, actions to results.
Over a relatively short period of time, digital technology has contributed so much to our long history of our changes. This era is a very exciting time to be redesigning the way business works. 0101 look at it in a way that it’s not just a rush to catch up, it’s an opportunity to give chances to people to fulfill their creative abilities, work more collaboratively and enjoy the perks that come with it.
What is digital transformation to us and our clients?
Digital Transformation, contrast to what the name indicates, is more about people and very little about technology. We believe that lean and agile, empowered and cross-functional teams are the engine of human centered business process transformation. Human centered transformation enables teams to become more than the sum of their parts and businesses unlock new sources of growth.
Why does your enterprise need a business process transformation?
To deliver more value to your customers, enterprises will have to develop new digital experiences and unique services to get ahead in the market. A full business process transformation requires more than just business optimization. We help you go beyond optimization to enterprise-level digital transformation. Cost reduction and time savings, decentralising production by facilitating mobile communication, operational efficiency and productivity, new business opportunities and revenue streams, improving integrations in your business and internal team collaboration, driving the culture of innovation, preparing the company to anticipate and face any disruption and so on and on. These are just a few of the many reasons as to why your enterprise needs a digital transformation agency.
How will we help your organization achieve Digital Transformation?
Simply enhancing the use of previous technologies being used in your company to improve productivity and customer experience will only safeguard the bottom lines. To truly transform your business, a fully proactive solution is needed in place which involves creating new revenue streams and business process transformation models that abide by the standards of this digital era.
We start by the simplest of things: by understanding what, who and why. We move on to draw our plan only after answering 3 Ws.
What is the short term, intermediate and long term objective?
What skills are needed and what technologies are to be used?
What knowledge is needed and what do you want to accomplish?
Who are we doing this for and who do we have to carry this out?
Who can help us with data and insights?
Who can assist us with the innovations and disruptions along the way?
Why is there a need for digital transformation?
How do we bring the various involved parties together to collaborate?
Why go for customer-centric transformation?
How can we integrate business operations and customer experience?
Our roadmap for DX is simple.
When thinking about DX, start with an end goal in mind. It starts by having the answers for the above questions. Brainstorm about the themes and ideas for your transformation and focus on the experience you want to deliver to your customers rather than software and hardware requirements. However, speed is vital. Quick bursts of planning and continuous evolution is what we advise to put you in a better position.
Focus should be on experience and not the solution itself. We prepare the design keeping in mind both end users’ and employees’ digital experience. Using a design-first approach will put primary focus on customer experience rather than solution requirements. Goal is to build a right solution with an intuitive interface which would enable users to work seamlessly.
You have the strategy and the design in place, that’s a great start! Assembling is all about unifying the experiences. Companies will have some or most of the underlying technologies needed to build a solution. The trick is to leverage all these disparate resources and integrate them to power your digital ecosystem. Auditing of the current ecosystem will further help you identify gaps and find solutions. We then rebuild to bring strategy to fruition.
Once the other 3 stages are done, it’s all about keeping, well - everything running smoothly either on cloud or on-premise. Although cloud provides a great way for continuous innovation, DX is possible without cloud too. However, it would require us to implement a way for continuous agile management, optimization of repeatable processes and support.